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The Ohio Consumers' Counsel provides representation where consumers may otherwise have none. Ohioans deserve affordable, reliable, and equal access to utility services that are essnetial to their well-being. We're here to see you get. At the Ohio Consumers' Counsel we put consumers first. Maureen Willis Ohio Consumers' counsel See how OCC advocates for consumers in our most recent Annual report.
HB6 Cost to Consumers


($445,679 per day)

HB6 Subsidies Ohioans have paid to AEP, AES & Duke

For coal-power plants since 1/1/20 (Estimated)

HB6 Subsidized Pollution

56,439,650 tons CO2

41,503 tons NOx

33,073 tons SO2

OVEC coal plant pollution from AEP, AES & Duke

Since 1/1/20 (Estimated per US EPA 2023 data)

Utility Consumers: Where is my refund?

Ohioans have been denied $1.5 billion in electric refunds since 2009.

Subsidy Scorecard

Consumer payments for utility corporate welfare.

Consumer Alert:
AES Ohio Wants to Raise Your Electric Bill Again!

If approved, the average customer will be paying $21.75 more per month for delivery—about $261 more per year! 



Consumer Protection

FirstEnergy Asks the PUCO for a $190 Million Rate Increase on top of recent distribution increases
Consumer Alert:
FirstEnergy Asks the PUCO for a $190 Million Rate Increase Again

Your voice as a consumer is critical. Get involved to make an impact in the case!

CenterPoint Proposes a Natural Gas Rate Increase for its consumers
Consumer Alert:
CenterPoint Proposes a Natural Gas Rate Increase for its Consumers

A typical monthly residential bill could increase by $23.37, costing consumers about $280 more a year.

Energy Choice: How to Spot a Bad Apple
Energy Choice: How to Spot a Bad Apple

A bad deal with a natural gas or electric marketer could cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year. There are some “bad apples” to avoid!

A woman with her dog hold a door shut on a man holding a contract
Energy Choice: Block the Knock

Nicer weather may increase energy marketers knocking and claiming to save you money.

Videos: Understanding Your Ohio Utilities
Videos: Understanding Your Ohio Utilities

Having trouble paying your utility bill or wondering about energy choice? 

Your Guide to Energy Disconnection & Reconnection
Your Guide to Energy Disconnection & Reconnection

There is help if you struggle to pay electric and natural gas bills.

A photo of electric meters at an apartment building
Submetering (reselling of utility services) and proposed legislation

A submeter allows an apartment owner or other company to purchase utility service (electric and water) and then resell that service to tenants.

Energy Choice: Know Your Rights!

Ohio law clearly defines rules and codes of conduct marketers must follow. 

A couple moves a cardboard box while moving.
Utility Guide to Renting

Before signing the lease for your new apartment, understand what your utilities will be like before writing your name on the dotted line.

Power Outage Tips and Consumer Rights
Power Outage Tips and Consumer Rights

Be prepared and know your rights if a power outage occurred today.

How to Make Wise Energy Choices

Concerned about energy prices?

Consumer Advocacy

Consumer Alerts
Your voices can make a difference.

It is very important for the PUCO to hear from you, the consumers directly affected by rate increases.

Let’s end consumer subsidies of coal power plants

OCC has long-opposed coal subsidies funded through consumers’ electricity rates 

A street sign that says reform
OCC Board Chair Writes Letter to PUCO Nominating Council

Asks to Reform its Process for Nominating PUCO Commissioner Applicants to the Governor.

Pen writing on a document
Call for HB 6 Veto

OCC and OMA ask Governor for veto of House Bill 6.

Outside of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commision Building
OCC Files Complaint at FERC to Protect Consumers

OCC asks FERC to step in and review supplemental transmission projects that are costing Ohioans hundreds of millions of dollars.

A gavel on a folder
OCC Calls for FE Investigation

OCC asks PUCO to investigate FirstEnergy on behalf of consumers.

Ohio Consumer Voices Need to Be Heard
Ohio Consumer Voices Need to Be Heard

OCC joined several Ohio Legal Aid advocates asking the PUCO for a virtual hearing in FirstEnergy’s latest rate increase proposal that consumers deserve.

OCC and Advocates Call for Reform

OCC, Pro Seniors and LASSO write letter for reform.

highlighting reform in the dictionary
Utility Reform

OCC Board passes resolution to reform the process for selecting PUCO Commissioners.

A pen signs a document
Consumer Advocates’ Request for Utility Disconnection Suspension Adopted by PUCO

Ruling will give at-risk Ohioans protection from utility disconnection during assistance application process.