The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) is inviting public comment for AEP Ohio’s proposal to increase your electric bill. The Ohio Consumers’ Counsel (OCC), your state advocate, is opposing AEP’s “Electric Security Plan” affecting 1.5 million residential utility consumers.
AEP Ohio is asking for a $2.2 billion rate hike for its Electric Security Plan (ESP) beginning June 2024 through 2030. Electric Security Plans are used to determine the pricing and supply of generation for customers who remain on the standard offer rate with the distribution electric utility. ESP’s may also include investments in the distribution system, grid modernization, economic development, and job retention initiatives.
Now is not the time for another AEP rate hike! Ohioans are already facing financial difficulties with soaring energy prices and inflation. The recent auction clearing price is expected to increase bills for AEP standard offer customers by nearly 30 percent beginning June 2023.
AEP is emphasizing that this increase is due to the competitive auction process required by Ohio law and not their doing. Consumers need electric service that is not only reliable and equitable, but also affordable.
Technical experts at the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel (OCC) are reviewing AEP’s proposal and will be working to protect residential customers. You, too, can get involved and make your heard at the PUCO!
Three Ways to Exercise Your Right to Be Heard at the PUCO
UPDATE: AFTER AN OCC REQUEST, the PUCO has scheduled a virtual hearing to allow Ohioans to participate in a hearing on the rate increase remotely, either online or by phone.
Virtual Hearing: 11 a.m. Tuesday, May 9, 2023 — To speak at the hearing, register by noon, Monday, May 8 at https://bit.ly/23-23-REG or by calling the Commission at 1-800-686-7826.
The hearing will be available for all to view live online at http://www.youtube.com/user/PUCOhio.
In-Person or Virtually: 6 p.m. Thursday, April 13, 2023 — Owens Community College, Community Education and Wellness Center Building, 3200 Bright Road, Room FCE 111, Findlay
6 p.m. Wednesday, April 26, 2023 — Zanesville-Muskingum County Conference & Welcome Center, Heritage Hall, 205 North Fifth St., Zanesville
6 p.m. Monday, May 1, 2023 — Washington State Community College, Arts & Science Building, Graham Auditorium, 710 Colegate Drive, Marietta
11 a.m. Tuesday, May 9, 2023 — Virtual Hearing. Participate online or by phone. To speak, pre-register by noon Monday, May 8 at https://bit.ly/23-23-REG. To view live online, visit http://www.youtube.com/user/PUCOhio.
12:30 p.m. Monday, May 22, 2023 — PUCO Offices, 180 East Broad St., Hearing Room 11-B, Columbus
5 p.m. Tuesday, May 23, 2023 — Ohio History Connection, 800 East 17th Ave., Cardinal Classroom, Columbus
Click for OCC tips on how to speak at local public hearings: http://bit.ly/how-to-testify.
Online: Click on “File a Public Comment” at https://bit.ly/aep-esp-2023.
By Mail: Send a letter referencing AEP Ohio and PUCO Case 23-23 to:
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
180 E. Broad St., 11th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Want to Know More?
OCC’s Motion to Intervene to represent consumers in this case is available online at this link: https://bit.ly/occ-mti-aep-esp.
Here is a link to the PUCO docket with all the participant filings in the rate case: https://bit.ly/aep-esp-2023.
Rate Case Questions?
Call or e-mail your advocate, the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel, at 1-877-742-5622 or occ@occ.ohio.gov.
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