Consumer Assistance for Military Families
Many things must be arranged when preparing for and returning from active duty deployment. When a family member is deployed it may cause financial difficulty. Fortunately, there are programs in Ohio that help ensure that paying utility bills does not become a hardship. There are also organizations that can provide support and assistance for which military families may be eligible.
Contact the utility’s customer service number to ask about any documentation that may need to be provided prior to active duty deployment. Ask if there are any specific programs available for military families.
Contact the utility:
The Patriot Plan
The Patriot Plan prevents electric and natural gas companies from disconnecting Ohioans deployed on active duty for nonpayment. After returning from active duty, the Patriot Plan requires utility companies to offer customers time equal to their deployment period to pay any arrearages that may have accumulated. Utility companies are prohibited from charging any late payment fees or interest to qualifying customers during the period of deployment or repayment period. The Patriot Plan does not apply to career military customers serving their regular tour of duty. A longer repayment period may be possible if necessary. For more information about the Patriot Plan’s benefits contact the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) at 1-800-686-7826.
Locating Assistance
There are organizations that offer financial assistance to veterans, reservists, and active duty personnel. Eligible customers can receive assistance for a variety of needs, including utility assistance. Check with each organization regarding eligibility and the required documentation.
Local County Veterans Service Offices (CVSO) are a resource that can provide short-term financial assistance for veterans and their families. A complete listing of CVSOs can be found on the Ohio Department of Veterans Services website at www.dvs.ohio.gov under Resources for Veterans.
Housed with the Ohio National Guard, Troop and Family Assistance Centers (TFAC) can help all military families regardless of service affiliation find resources available to them. Visit their website at www.homefront.ohio.gov or call 1-800-589-9914 for more information.
Operation Homefront is a national non-profit that assists military families with challenges inherent in military life and it offers a Critical Financial Assistance program for eligible active duty, deployed, veteran, wounded, ill, or injured service members. More information on Operation Homefront can be found at https://operationhomefront.org/critical-financial-assistance. They can also be reached by phone at 1-877-264-3968 or by email at ohio@operationhomefront.org.
The American Legion, a non-profit veteran service organization, offers a Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA) program that can provide financial assistance grants for minor children of a qualifying veteran or current active duty member of the military. Contact the local post for more information. To find a local post, visit their website at www.ohiolegion.com/posts.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars, a non-profit veteran service organization, offers an Unmet Needs program to assist qualifying military families with unexpected financial difficulties because of deployment or other military-related activity or injury. Contact the local post for more information, visit the website at www.vfw.org/assistance/financial-grants or call 1-866-789-6333. To find a local post, visit their website at www.vfw.org/find-a-post.
Utility Assistance Programs
There are assistance programs available for all eligible Ohioans, not just those serving or who have served in the military. OCC offers fact sheets on each of the following programs at www.occ.ohio.gov/utilityassistance. Contact the local Energy Assistance Provider (community action agency) on how to apply or for more information. To find the local Energy Assistance Provider, select ‘Find a local Energy Assistance Provider’ at www.energyhelp.ohio.gov or call 1-800-282-0880.
- Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps eligible Ohioans with winter heating costs.
- Winter Crisis Program, also called E-HEAP, provides financial aid once per heating season to eligible Ohioans for electric or natural gas service or bulk fuels.
- Summer Crisis Program, also called Summer HEAP, helps eligible Ohioans pay an electric utility bill, and/or central air conditioning repair, and/or get an air conditioning unit and/or fan.
- Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP Plus) is a payment arrangement to help eligible electric and natural gas customers with utility bills.
- Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) helps eligible Ohioans weatherize their homes to lower energy costs.
- Utility-Provided Assistance Programs may be available from the utility company for help paying electric, natural gas or water bills for eligible customers.
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