Energy Efficiency Questions: Do you make the grade?
The Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel (OCC) supports energy efficiency as a way to reduce energy usage and your utility bills. Take this 20-question pop quiz to see how much you know and if you make the grade. Answers are on Energy Efficiency Answers - Did You Make the Grade?
1. Which uses less energy…
A. An OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) television?
B. An LED (Light-Emitting Diode) television?
2. Which uses less energy...
A. A gaming PC?
B. A game console?
3. Which uses less energy...
A. An electric hot water heater?
B. A natural gas hot water heater?
4. Which uses less energy...
A. A refrigerator with a top freezer?
B. A side-by-side refrigerator?
Do you make the grade?
Do you make the grade?
See OCC’s Answer Sheet: Energy Efficiency Answers - Did You Make the Grade?
A = 80 to 100 points
B = 55 to 75 points
C = 25 to 50
D = 10 to 20
F = 0 to 5 points
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