Dominion Energy's Energy Efficiency Programs
Dominion Energy offers energy saving tools and programs to its customers. These tools and programs can help consumers lower their natural gas bill and bring comfort to the home. Also, see OCC’s Energy Efficiency fact sheets for ideas on how you can improve your home’s energy efficiency on your own at https://www.occ.ohio.gov/publications#energy%20efficiency
Energy Saving Tools
Dominion Energy offers an online energy saving tips and calculators to help its customers lower their natural gas bill. These tools can be accessed at https://www.dominionenergy.com/ohio/save-energy/more-ways-to-save.
Income Eligible Weatherization
Dominion Energy offers home weatherization assistance and education to help all eligible consumers reduce their energy usage. This program partners with CHN Housing Partners to provide weather-stripping, insulation, door sweeps, LED bulb installation, and more. To learn more, visit CHN at chnhousingpartners.org/energyservices/ or call (216) 574-7100.