Enbridge recently filed a revised proposal, reducing their requested rate increase to approximately $60 million—less than one-third of their original $212 million request. This reduction reflects the impact of filings and testimony that OCC and others presented as well as the public testimony, comments, and resolutions opposing the rate increase. While this development is encouraging, OCC’s analysis—and the PUCO Staff’s own investigation—show that a rate reduction of at least $250 million is still warranted.
Enbridge Gas Ohio (formerly Dominion Energy) is asking the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) for a 30% hike in what it charges consumers for natural gas distribution service.
The proposed increase, if approved, will cost a typical residential consumer more than $100 a year, beginning this year. But that’s not all. The utility is also seeking approval to add extra fixed monthly charges that would start at $8.78 this year and gradually rise to $29.69 per month by 2032. Fixed charges are billed to you before you use any natural gas and can’t be reduced by conserving gas.
After a careful analysis of Enbridge’s request, the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel (OCC) concluded that this increase is unjustified. A 30% increase would unreasonably burden Enbridge customers who are already grappling with inflation and high energy prices.
OCC is calling for a $294 million rate decrease or a 32% reduction in consumers’ distribution bills. Under OCC’s proposal, the fixed monthly service charge to Enbridge’s 1.2 million Ohio consumers would decrease to $25.57 per month from the current $43.27 monthly charge. OCC also supports decreasing the monthly add-on charges Enbridge proposed for its capital expenditure program and its pipeline infrastructure investment.
In addition, OCC is also seeking more assistance for Enbridge’s at-risk consumers including increased bill payment assistance, summertime bill assistance, additional payment plans for consumers behind on their bills, and a PUCO statewide investigation into utility service affordability for Ohio’s growing low-income population.
The PUCO Staff also has analyzed Enbridge’s request and has recommended a decrease in rates, although not as large as the decrease OCC recommends.
These recommendations for a rate decrease for Enbridge’s consumers, instead of a rate increase, are a positive step for consumers. But much lies ahead in the case. The final decision will lie in the hands of the five PUCO Commissioners.
You can make an impact.
Make Your Voice Heard at the PUCO
Exercise your right to be heard at the PUCO, in-person, online or by mail:
In-Person: The PUCO local public hearing locations and times for testimony are listed below.
Public hearings are a crucial part of the utility rate case process in Ohio. They allow consumers to express their opinions and concerns to the PUCO Commissioners directly. This participation is important because it helps ensure that the final PUCO decision considers the impact on consumers.
Here are the recently announced public hearings:
6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024 — Frank J. Lausche State Office Building, 615 W. Superior Ave., Cleveland6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 — Akron-Summit Public Library, 60 S. High St., Akron6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 23, 2024 — Lima Senior High School Auditorium, 1 Spartan Way, Lima
Click or visit this web page for OCC tips on how to make your voice heard at local public hearings: https://bit.ly/occ-make-your-voice-heard.
Virtual Public Hearing Requested
To provide consumers with an additional opportunity to be heard on Enbridge’s rate increase, OCC and other consumer parties have asked the PUCO for a virtual public hearing. A virtual hearing would empower consumers to participate actively by offering testimony before a PUCO Commissioner through their phone or computer, regardless of location. Enbridge opposed our request. The PUCO has yet to rule on this request.
Comment online
Click on “File a Public Comment” at https://bit.ly/dominion-rate-case-23
Send a letter by mail
Send a letter referencing Dominion Energy and PUCO Case 23-0894-GA-AIR to:
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
180 E. Broad St., 11th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Want to Know More?
The Consumers’ Counsel has filed its analysis recommending a $294 million decrease. OCC‘s analysis and its consumer protection recommendations are presented in the filed testimony of its seven expert witnesses. Here is a link to the PUCO docket with filings from OCC and other stakeholders in the case: https://bit.ly/dominion-rate-case-23
Rate Case Questions?
Call or email the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel, your residential utility consumer advocate, at 1-877-742-5622 or occ@occ.ohio.gov.
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