Ohio Consumers’ Counsel (OCC):
Duke is asking the PUCO to approve a $55 million electric rate increase for 657,000 consumers. The Ohio Consumers’ Counsel, your state advocate, will recommend that the PUCO approve a rate decrease (not an increase) of at least $1.4 million for Duke’s consumers. The PUCO will decide how much Duke can charge you for electric service, after it hears from the public and case participants.
You Have the Right to Make Your Voice Heard by the PUCO!
Comment In-Person, Online or By Mail:
In-Person: The PUCO hearing locations and times for testimony are listed below. OCC offers tips on how to testify at local public hearings: http://bit.ly/how-to-testify
Monday, July 18, 2022 at 6 p.m. — Middletown City Hall, Council Chambers, Lower Level, 1 Donham Plaza, MIDDLETOWN, Ohio 45042 - [CLOSED]
Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 6 p.m. — Butler Tech Public Education Safety Complex, 5140 Princeton-Glendale Road, LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, Ohio 45011 - [CLOSED]
Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at noon — Cincinnati City Hall, Council Chambers, Room 300, 801 Plum Street, CINCINNATI, Ohio 45202
Online: To submit a comment on Duke’s proposed rate increase, visit the PUCO’s website at https://bit.ly/duke-electric-rate-case-21 and click on the words “File a Public Comment”
By Mail: You can mail a letter to the PUCO with comments referencing “Duke Energy“ and “PUCO Case 21-887” to:
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
180 E. Broad St., 11th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
This case is about Duke’s distribution service, which includes charges for the wires etc. used for the delivery of electricity to your home. The actual electricity that is delivered through the distribution grid is separately charged to consumers. Duke’s delivery charges and charges for electricity are separate parts of your bill.
Proposals Compared:
Rate Decrease (Not Increase):
- The Consumers’ Counsel will recommend that the PUCO decrease (not increase) Duke’s distribution charges to consumers by at least $1.4 million.
- Duke’s proposed rate increase is $55 million.
- OCC will propose that the PUCO set a much lower profit than what Duke proposes to charge consumers.
- Duke proposes to charge a 10.3% profit to consumers.
Monthly Residential Customer Charge:
- OCC opposes high fixed charges because they deny consumers the ability to lower their bills by reducing usage. The fixed monthly residential customer charge is the amount consumers pay for having an account with Duke even if they use no electricity.
- OCC recommends that Duke’s monthly fixed customer charge should be lower than its current price of $6.
- Duke proposes doubling its monthly fixed customer charge, raising it from $6 to $12.
Some of the Other Issues:
- Duke has bad timing for an electric rate increase, given soaring energy prices, inflation, poverty, and the possibility of a recession.
- OCC opposes the PUCO Staff’s recommendation for allocating the rate increase between customer groups. The PUCO Staff wants to increase residential rates while decreasing business rates.
- OCC recommends a $4.5 million bill-payment assistance program for low-income and working-poor consumers, to be funded by Duke’s stockholders. Duke opposes OCC’s proposal and says it is “not relevant.”
- All of OCC’s objections can be seen at: https://bit.ly/occ-objections-duke-rates-21
Want to Know More?
Here is a link to the PUCO case docket with all the filings from the participants: https://bit.ly/duke-electric-rate-case-21
Call or e-mail the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel, your advocate, at 1-877-742-5622 or occ@occ.ohio.gov.