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FirstEnergy Distribution Rate Increase 24-0468-EL-AIR

FirstEnergy Asks the PUCO for a $190 Million Rate Increase

Proposed monthly bill increases for FirstEnergy consumers
Some consumers would see more than $150 per year added to their bills under the proposal. 

FirstEnergy is asking the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) to order its consumers to pay $190 million more for their electric distribution service. To protect FirstEnergy’s nearly two million residential consumers, the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel (OCC) has a team of industry experts preparing to challenge FirstEnergy’s request.

FirstEnergy estimates that, under its proposal, total bills for a typical Illuminating Company consumer using 1,000 kWh per month will jump from $173.61 to $186.63 per month. For a typical Ohio Edison consumer, the increase would be from $170.23 to $173.22 per month; and a typical consumer of Toledo Edison would see their average monthly bill rise from $171.74 to $173.30. Consumers of The Illuminating Company would see more than $150 per year added to their bills under the proposal. 

As the state agency designated to represent residential utility consumers, OCC is carefully examining the utility’s facts, figures and evidence in the case and will advocate for just and reasonable rates for FirstEnergy consumers. 

FirstEnergy officials once referred to the 2024 rate case as “The Ohio Hole” because they were concerned it could lead to a rate decrease. But now, FirstEnergy says a rate increase is needed.

Your voice as a consumer is critical in the case. See below for information on making your voice heard at the PUCO.

Get involved to make an impact in the case!

Virtual Hearing Requested: In addition to the in-person public hearings, OCC has requested that the PUCO hold a virtual public hearing on this rate increase proposal. And FirstEnergy has supported OCC’s request. The PUCO has not ruled on this request yet.

Jobs, health challenges, mobility issues, disabilities, childcare, eldercare, transportation limitations and other concerns make it difficult for many Ohioans to attend an in-person hearing. All consumers deserve the opportunity to be heard by a PUCO commissioner.

Want to Know More?

OCC’s Motion to Intervene on behalf of FirstEnergy consumers is available at this link:

Here is a link to the PUCO docket with all the filings in the case:


Call or email the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel, your residential utility consumer advocate, at 1-877-742-5622 or


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