Special Reconnect Order

Special Reconnect Order Guidelines
The SRO is available from Oct. 14, 2024 through April 18, 2025 for electric and natural gas customers of a PUCO-regulated utility. There are no income restrictions to use the SRO. Customers should contact their utility to use the SRO.
- The SRO allows any electric or natural gas customer of PUCO-regulated utilities to pay only $175 to maintain or reconnect service even if their outstanding balance is higher.
- Customers owing more than $175 will need to enroll in a payment plan with their utility for any remaining past-due amount. For information on payment plans, visit www.occ.ohio.gov/factsheet/utility-bill-payment-plans.
- If the service has been disconnected, the customer may be charged a reconnection fee of no more than $36 upfront to restore service. If the company’s reconnection fee is more than $36, the customer may have to pay the balance on the next month’s bill.
- Eligible customers may enroll in the Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP Plus) if total household income is at or below 175% of the federal income guidelines. Any remaining amount over $175 will be put into the PIPP arrearage (total account balance) for PIPP Plus or Graduate PIPP Plus customers. For more information, contact the utility. Learn about PIPP Plus and Graduate PIPP Plus at www.occ.ohio.gov/factsheet/pipp-plus.
- The SRO can be used to establish new utility services by paying only $175 instead of a full security deposit. If the required deposit is more than $175, the remaining balance will be added to the next month’s bill. PIPP Plus customers will not be charged a security deposit.
- If both natural gas and electric services are facing disconnection, or are already disconnected, the customer can use the SRO for both utilities at the same time. The $175 payment can be split between two PUCO-regulated utilities as agreed upon by both companies. For further details, contact the utility company.
Assistance with the Special Reconnection Order
- When total household income is at or below 175% of the federal income guidelines, customers may be eligible to receive assistance with the $175 payment through the Winter Crisis Program (WCP).
- When an appointment for WCP is made with a local Energy Assistance Provider/community action agency, PUCO-regulated utilities must delay disconnection for 30 days after the appointment date.
- The 30-day disconnection hold may only be used once per year. Customers may use it during either the WCP from Nov. 1 to March 31 or the Summer Crisis Program (SCP) from July 1 to Sept. 30. In the months when the WCP and the SCP are not available, customers may delay disconnection for 30 days if there is a pending application for PIPP Plus or the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).
When using the SRO, customers should work with the utility or the local Energy Assistance Provider/community action agency to ensure the $175 payment is applied correctly.
To learn more about utility assistance programs and other disconnection protections in Ohio, visit www.occ.ohio.gov/utilityassistance. To locate a local Energy Assistance Provider/community action agency, visit www.energyhelp.ohio.gov and select “find a local provider” or call 1-800-282-0880. Customers can also contact the PUCO at 1-800-686-7826 for questions or assistance regarding the SRO.
Contact the utility:
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