A Guide to Your Water Bill and Service
The Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel (OCC) created this fact sheet to help you better understand your water bill and service since Ohio law requires specific information must be included on a water bill.
Regulated versus non-regulated water companies
Not all water companies in Ohio are regulated by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO). Water services provided by municipalities, counties, water districts or cooperatives are not PUCO-regulated. These regulated companies are usually for-profit corporations that pay income tax based upon their sales and other financial factors. If consumers need to contact their water service provider, they should check their utility bill or reach out to their municipality or other local governing body.
Usage and meter reading
Water usage is measured in 100 cubic feet (Ccf) or gallons (gal).
Water companies may read a consumer’s meter to determine the exact amount of water used or estimate usage for each billing cycle based on past usage for the same period. Consumers can request an actual meter reading at any time.
Fees and charges
You will see several charges on your bill that help account for the total amount due.
- Service Charges – a fixed, monthly charge that each customer pays for receiving service. Generally, there is a charge for both water, wastewater, and sewer service;
- Water Volume – the amount of water used multiplied by the rate charged for water;
- Wastewater Volume – the amount of water that was used or emptied into the sewer system multiplied by the rate charged for sewer services; and
- Other Current Charges – charges for a line protection program or for water softening provided by the water company could be listed.
Required items on bills
Water companies are required to include specific information on your bill, such as the name on the account, the address, and the account number. They must also provide either an actual or estimated reading, the payment address, payment due dates, service dates, late charges or credits, and the company’s contact information. Additionally, a rate schedule or a statement of the rate schedule must be made available upon request.
Reading your bill
Consumers should read their bill each month to know what charges appear on the bill and your normal water usage. The company may include important notices and other updates on the bill.
Rates are determined by different variables, including the system size, number of years the current rate has been in effect, and water treatment process.
Consumers are responsible for repairs to the service line, which runs from the curb to the residence, as well as pipes inside the home. All other lines are maintained by the water system. Although the water company owns the meter, the customer is responsible for any damage to it.
Water pressure
Under Ohio law, a minimum pressure of 35 pounds per square-inch (psi) must be maintained in the distribution system. If a consumer experiences a drop in water pressure, they should contact the water company immediately and avoid using tap water.
Water discoloration
Discolored water can result from several issues, including reduced water pressure, plumbing problems, routine system flushing, or a water main break. Before using or drinking discolored water, consumers should contact their water company. If none of these causes are apparent, the issue could be due to iron or magnesium at the treatment plant. Consumers should request an investigation, and the company may need to flush the distribution system. The company is required to notify affected consumers before any flushing occurs.
Water can also appear cloudy due to dissolved air being released as bubbles when it is under pressure. The bubbles will disappear as they rise, clearing the water. However, if hard white particles remain, the water heater may need maintenance or repair.
Hard water & water softening
Calcium and magnesium can cause water hardness. Although the Ohio Environment Protection Agency (EPA) does not require water companies to soften water, consumers can contact their water company to find out if it provides softened water. If the water is not softened, consumers may want to consider installing a water softener. Water hardness or softness is measured using grains per gallon (gpg). One grain is equal to 0.002 ounces of calcium carbonate dissolved in 1 gallon of water. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, softened water is recommended to be between 3.5–7gpg. To learn more about purchasing and maintaining a water softener visit their website at www.energy.gov.
Bill-payment assistance
Most water, wastewater, and sewer services are regulated by local municipalities (city, township, county) rather than the PUCO. Consumers struggling to pay their water bills should contact their local water company before their service is disconnected. Some water companies may offer payment assistance programs. Additional resources are available at https://www.occ.ohio.gov/utilityassistance#additional-resources.
Aqua Aid is available for Aqua Ohio customers who have fallen behind on their bills. Please call 1-877-987-2782 to request assistance on your account.
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